

WESTERN SYDNEY businesses are invited to attend a free community forum that addresses optimal workplace welling with a panel of international experts.

Research from the Western Sydney Diabetes Year-in-Review 2022 reveal that 38 per cent or 290,000 of Western Sydney residents are at risk of diabetes.

These statistics were configured last year from at least 30 percent of adults attending hospital emergency departments and GPs diagnosing them with high blood sugar.

The findings led to the Workers Lifestyle Group (WLG) based at Blacktown establishing a wellness program called Western Sydney Changing Diabetes and the club is encouraging businesses everywhere to take stock of workplace wellbeing issues.

NSW Health has warned that diabetes is the main cause of preventable blindness, raises the risk of heart failure, strokes, heart attacks, and dementia.

The forum is the first of kind in Western Sydney to deal with a broad range of workplace wellbeinjg subjects including: building mental health, exercise, diet and the benefits of engaging in community volunteer programs.

 “One reason we’re so proud of the program is the workplace health initiative coming from our people at Workers Blacktown and Workers Sports,” WLG CEO Morgan Stewart said.

 “Several of our staff members were warned by their GPs that they were at high risk of type 2 diabetes and that Western Sydney’s adults are almost 20 per cent more likely to contract diabetes than the average across NSW.

 “They realised we have a real health challenge in our community, and they proposed to our managers that Workers Lifestyle Group could help raise community awareness and detect diabetes risk.

The club now has two self-service SiSU health stations inviting staff, members, and guests to try the free, simple, and accurate diabetes risk assessment.

The SiSu measures a person’s blood pressure, heart rate, body mass index, weight, body fat percentage, height, smoking status, stress level and diabetes risk in five minutes.

 A Western Sydney Diabetes team holds frequent glucose testing at the club to reach as many people including the 53,000 members and staff at the club. The club has a well-attended healthy cooking demonstrations.

Club members and staff also enjoy dance classes.

FREE forum

WEXPO 2023 on September 5 at Blacktown Worker’s Club features the Supporting Optimal Health at Work community forum which is free to attend and is open to the public and businesses.

 The forum will be moderated by Dr Jim Taggart OAM and promises to deliver real world insights to developing a healthier workplace. Panellists include:

  • Laureate Professor Clare Collins AO is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, NHMRC Leadership Research Fellow and Director of the Hunter Medical Research Institute Research Program in Food and Nutrition. Her research focusses on personalised nutrition technologies and programs evaluating impact on diet-related health in chronic disease and across life stages.
  • Marion Arnott: the Corporate Social Responsibility Partner at Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals. She is a former nurse and healthcare manager with a background in women’s health and has been active in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years. As a Medicines Australia National award winner she is passionate about corporate ethics, employee well-being and mobilising to protect our environment.
  • Morgan Stewart is an outcome focused and visionary business leader, now the CEO of Workers Lifestyle Group. Morgan has been at the forefront of developing the group’s approach to workplace wellbeing. Morgan has delivered keynote presentations in the hospitality, registered clubs & casino gaming industries.
  • Professor Glen F. Maberly is the visionary Director of Western Sydney Diabetes. He is a renowned expert in the field, will shed light on the multifaceted strategies implemented by the WSD to combat the diabetes epidemic in western Sydney. Learn about the innovative digital solutions being deployed, the emphasis on primary and secondary prevention, and their efforts to empower local healthcare providers and communities for better diabetes management.

The forum is limited to 60 people and runs from 11am to 12.30PM in Ballroom level one. Book your FREE seat HERE

For details on WEXPO 2023, visit www.wexpo.com.au

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